How does the Feedback site work?

Welcome to the Feedback site of Crypto Unicorns! This functions similarly to the former #suggestions forum thread on Discord, except that it's more accessible, easier to read, and easier to track progress!

In this post, we'll cover questions such as:
  • How do I make a suggestion?
  • How do I express my thoughts about a suggestion?
  • What are the different Statuses and what do they mean?

If you have more questions, let us know so we can add them to this article.

How to Make a Suggestion

  1. On the top-left, click Boards and select the appropriate Board for your concern.
  2. On the left side, write the title and description of your suggestion. Attaching an image is optional, but it helps us better understand your idea!
  3. Click "Share your thoughts!"
You won't be able to see your suggestion right away, it has to be approved first. The CM team goes through all suggestions on a regular cadence. Depending on your suggestion, a few things may happen: 
  • Original and relevant suggestions are approved. 
    • Approved suggestions that are easy to understand are released with the "Under Review" status.
    • Approved suggestions that need more votes or input from the community are released with the "Up for Voting" status.
  • If a suggestion is relevant but has already been suggested, it will either be merged with the original suggestion or deleted if it doesn't add anything new to the discussion.
  • If a suggestion is not relevant, it will be given the "Not Now" status.
In some special circumstances, suggestions that are original, relevant, and popular but could significantly delay the timeline of our roadmap will be moved to the Forum for DAO approval.

How to Vote/Comment on a Suggestion

To share your thoughts on a suggestion, you may upvote the topic or add to the discussion by sharing a comment.

Statuses and What They Mean

Suggestions are marked with different Statuses so it's easy to monitor their progress.

Not Now
This status is for suggestions that have been rejected for the time being. These suggestions may no longer be relevant to the current status of Crypto Unicorns or could be better implemented in the future.

Up for Voting
These suggestions require further clarification from the community to ensure that implementation will be aligned with the players' vision. Additionally, votes are requested so the team can gauge the level of demand for this feature/suggestion.

Under Review
These suggestions are unambiguous enough that their concept can be developed without gathering additional information. They are currently under review by the team to see if they are feasible and to gauge the amount of work needed to be implemented.

These suggestions have been approved by the team and are scheduled for implementation in a future patch.

In Progress
These suggestions are ongoing development and are about to be implemented in an upcoming patch.

These suggestions have already been implemented.

Other Questions?

If you have more questions, let us know so we can add them to this article.

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